Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Last Days

I leave for Jordan tomorrow at 12:45 from LAX and will be flying into London Heathrow Airport tomorrow morning. I guess considering I'm not in Jordan yet this is sort of a cheater post. However, I have been spending the past few days in Newport Beach Ca, with my parents and extended family. I've been having a great time and I was able to see some friends from the Arabic program last year.

Yesterday I was lucky enough to go scuba diving with my cousin's boyfriend Chris. He's been a diver for awhile now and after a day of trying to locate rental gear, took me down to divers cove in Laguna Beach. (see picture). Having only been diving a few times before, diver's cove was considerably better sightseeing than I had previously encountered. Saw lots of fish, seaweeds, a couple urchins and cool fish. Hopefully, I'll have the opportunity to go diving in Aqaba, the only seaside city in Jordan. Diving in the Red Sea is supposed to be some of the best in the world.

Tonight is my last night in the states and I am considerably nervous. Figuring out how to spend my ten hour layover in London, expect more on that subject later.


  1. Go to Kings Cross and try to get on the train to Hogwarts.

  2. I could not suggest a better way to spend your time in London.
    Scuba diving when you return?
